As a founder, the journey of building a business from the ground up can be incredibly lonely. Not only is there the pressure of managing a business and all the associated tasks, but you also must deal with the loneliness of being the sole founder. Isolation can be a tough challenge to overcome, but it is essential for entrepreneurs who are determined to create something truly unique. In this blog post, we will explore the isolation it takes to build a business from the ground up and the loneliness that comes along with it for founders, specifically female founders.

The early days

Starting a business from the ground up can be an incredibly daunting task. While the rewards can be great, the journey is often marked by isolation and loneliness. During the early days of starting my business, I was filled with a lot of uncertainty and fear. It seemed like I was alone in my venture and had no one to turn to. I didn’t know anyone who had gone through the process of building a successful business, so I was left to my own devices. 

One of the biggest challenges during these early days was finding the right resources and guidance. I had to rely on my own research and instincts to make decisions, as I didn’t have any mentors or advisors to lean on. I also struggled with the sense of feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks that needed to be done. Building a business from scratch is no easy feat, and I found myself working long hours and struggling to keep up with the demands of running a company. 

The journey to build a business from the ground up is filled with its own unique set of challenges. In my experience, the early days are often marked by uncertainty, fear, and a lack of support. Despite these struggles, I have learned to stay focused and motivated while relying on my own resources and instincts to make decisions.

Meet me in the middle

The middle stage of building a business from the ground up as a female founder is often the most difficult. It’s when the excitement of the beginning has worn off and the reality of the hard work ahead sets in. I am currently in this stage. Let me tell ya - I often feel overwhelmed and exhausted, yet determined to make it to the end. 

It can be incredibly lonely. When starting a business, there will be days when you feel like you are the only one who is fighting for its success. Everyone around you may not understand the dedication it takes and why you are taking on such a huge endeavor. This can be particularly true for female founders, who may find that they must battle harder for acceptance in an industry dominated by men.

This is also the stage where failure can begin to creep in. You have invested your time, money, and energy into creating something amazing, and all sudden things just aren't going your way. This can lead to fear, doubt, and even depression, especially if you don’t have the proper support system in place to pick you back up.

The key here is to stay focused on your vision and keep pushing forward. Even though there may be obstacles in your way, remind yourself that you have what it takes to make it happen. Don’t let anything stand in your way—you can get through this and come out on top.

What keeps me going

As I built Alivio Technologies from the ground up, the loneliness and isolation could be overwhelming. I found that I had to remind myself of the end goal and why I was doing this in the first place. It was a daunting task, but it was something I knew I could do.

When it felt like there was no one else on my side, I used my inner strength and tenacity to push forward. Even when I didn't feel like I had any support, I still found ways to stay motivated and keep going.

I constantly remind myself of the bigger picture. It was no longer just about me – it was about the many people I hoped to impact with my business and the idea that I could make a difference. This mindset helped me push through when times got tough and stay focused on the end goal.

Lean into creativity! I took time to explore new ideas, brainstorm new solutions, and look for innovative ways to reach my goals. This creative process not only kept me engaged but also reminded me of why I was doing this in the first place – because it gave me an opportunity to do something meaningful and exciting.

Lastly, never forget the progress you have made and the milestones you have accomplished. While it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the huge task of building a business from the ground up, taking time to recognize small wins helped me stay motivated and keep moving forward.

By staying focused on the bigger picture, leaning into my creativity, and recognizing small wins along the way, I was able to push through the loneliness and isolation of my journey as a female founder and build a successful business from the ground up.